March 3, 2008

Where is Beyonce?, Mustard Bags & Black Love

Why is Saaphyri trying to market her cold sore lip chap? Seems to me she is selling _ _ _ !

Vanessa Williams & Rick Fox help their daughter sell the girl scout cookies in L.A.

Something that Rhianna has on in this pic should not be...Can you guess what??? THOSE LOAFERS

Rhianna & CBrown spend some QT in another country, even though they are not dating. (Off the Record: Black Love)

On the other hand this is a good look in separate settings

Love the mustard Sonia Rykiel bag!!!

WTF is she wearing moment....?

Trina performing in Orlando

Kanye & Alexis at Marc Jacobs and Lanvin fashion shows (Black Love)

Eva & her Beau Lance at Nicey Nash's birthday party (Black Love)

Juvenile mourning the Death is his daughter, baby mama and her daughter. My prayers go out to the family.

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